Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

15 weeks

Here is my 15 week pictures, still not much difference. I weighed in at 231.2 this morning, so just about the same as last week.   Below is a graph of my weight loss since being pregnant, it has leveled off quite a bit since I started taking the Unisom.

This week has brought a return of my morning sickness, I had to go back to taking a half a Unisom at night, I'd cut down to almost none.  I also have started getting round ligament pain, mostly on my right side, the first one scared me.  In addition I've started back with the dizzy spells, those are quite annoying. 

Other than all of that I feel pretty good. If I feel around my lower abdomen I can feel the hardness that is my uterus. 

I'm on pins and needles waiting for the results of the Panorama test, I hope we get them back this week. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Appointments, appointments and more appointments

Wednesday I went and had the blood draw for the Panorama blood test which will tell us the baby's risk for the trisomies and also the gender, that takes 7-10 days to come back.

Then I went for another ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Medicine center. I really liked the sonographer, she was super nice. Even though an NT scan had not been ordered she was able to get the  measurement and did it anyway (measurement was 1.8 and anything under 2.5 is good) and made a gender guess of girl! Baby is growing on schedule with the revised due date and looks good so far.  Heart Rate was 167.

After that I went up to see the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist who is consulting due to my age and the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. He asked me a bunch of questions and seemed happy with how I was progressing. He ordered an echocardiogram to rule out any problems with my heart and I have to go back for ultrasounds once a month to check my cervical length (yay, more pictures).

So I have 4 appointments coming up in the next month, its a good thing my boss is understanding!

We did our facebook announcement while we were on vacation. 

 As of this week I've lost 14 pounds so far. My nausea is starting to get better, I've cut back on the unisom, that has increased my fatigue though which is weird because I didn't know it was helping with that. 

Oh, and I cry over anything now, hormones are crazy! I'm not a cryer but I cry at least once a day, so weird for me!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rest and relaxation at last

A week of laying on the beach doing nothing sure does do a lot for your mental state.  Just got back from Mexico where I did virtually nothing for a week, it was really nice.

Here is me, haven't weight at home in a week but according to the scale at the hotel I'm down a few more pounds. I enjoyed a lot of fresh fruit, fresh juices and french fries :)

Left to right is 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 11 weeks and almost 13 weeks.

Here is me in my swimsuit, I felt pretty good in it, the boobs look pretty awesome :D  Anyway, that's it for now. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015