I had my 37 week checkup yesterday. 1cm dilated, 50% effaced and my cervix is soft, so a little progress but not much. Doctor said baby hasn't moved down at all. She did say that my pelvic bones, the little bony bits that stick out inside that are the smallest part the baby has to pass through are tight and this reinforces her decision about the csection. I was feeling bad all day yesterday, backache, headache, upset stomach. We had our last labor/child class last night and I went to bed as soon as we got home but started cramping almost as soon as I laid down and cramped all night long, maybe from the cervical check, who knows, still cramping some today but its not regular.
Baby is still moving around a lot, she still makes pretty big movements but they feel slower and more like pushes than jabs for the most part anyway. She does love to kick my stomach after I've eaten, I think my eating expands my stomach and takes up her room and she does not like that.
I stayed home from work today because I was exhausted and needed to keep my feet up, they resemble the stay-puft man these day. Here is last week vs this week, everyone says I'm getting bigger by the day, hard for me to say, I don't know how much bigger I can possibly get but then we have 19 days left to go before the c-section.
I also asked a bunch of questions about the csection answers are:
- no can't do delayed clamping
- yes, can do cord blood donation
- no, can't do immediate skin-to-skin but Matthew can
- I can breastfeed as soon as I'm in recovery
- no, I can't watch the c-section
- I get to eat the same day as long as I'm not vomiting
- I will get to sit up in chair the same day and be up walking the next day
- I can't drive for 2 weeks after
- I have to limit stairs to once daily for 2 weeks
- Lift nothing heavier than the baby for 4 weeks