This is the last week of the second trimester and my cervix is holding strong with good measurements! yay!
Baby girl is also doing well, she is measuring right on track size wise but weight wise she is in 75th percentile! Chubby baby. Last estimated weight at the ultrasound last week was 1 pound 14 ounces which is exactly double her weight from 4 weeks previous. Heart rate was a little high at 179 but tech said it goes up and down.
After all the measurements were done I fished a little and the ultrasound tech (nicest one EVER) turned on 4d for us! We got to see her in 3d but LIVE, it was SOOO freaking cool! She kept putting her hands up in front of her face but we got a few good pics.
If everything continues to be good I won't have to go back to the Maternal Fetal Care center anymore, I have another appointment with the MFM in September so technically I'm still high risk but all the docs are pleased with how everything is going.
Pain wise, well that comes and goes, I have days where I feel almost normal then I have days where walking is almost impossible. I have found that I can't be on my feet for more than 20-30 minutes at a time and I can't bend from the waist, both of those things trigger pain. I have Yoga tonight, I'll have to tell teacher I can't bend from the waist but I think the yoga actually helps so I want to keep going. I need to start walking on the days I feel good but I'm kind of concerned with getting very far from home and having a bad pain episode with no where to sit down.
Other symptoms, my hands have started to swell a little, blood pressure is holding steady and I drink tons of water so must just be pregnancy. Its not bad, just enough to make my rings tight once in awhile.
I do seem to be on an upward trend for my weight, I have days where I am starving! Last night 2 hours after dinner I ate a bagel with cream cheese, a pickle, some grapes and a handful of nuts and then was hungry again before bed but didn't eat again. Guess little girl doubling her weigh every month will do that!
How far along? 26 weeks!
Total weight gain: -7.6lbs!
Baby is the size of: bowling pin
Maternity clothes: bought a few new shirts last week
Stretch marks: None that I didn't already have
Sleep: what's sleep? I toss and turn a lot from back pain
Best moment this week: I was sitting in a meeting with my hands crossed across my stomach and she was kicking so hard she was moving my hands
Miss anything? Beer
Movement: She's quiet when I'm up moving but if I sit down and get quiet she starts dancing
Food cravings: green grapes
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Back pain, gas, heartburn, pelvic pain
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Getting the stuff cleaned out of the nursery room
Oh and here is a quick reference on the months/weeks thing