Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2015

C-Section Scheduled.

So last week I had my 36 week ultrasound to check her growth, well she had defiantly grown, her estimated weight was 8lb 1oz and her head size and abdominal size were in the greater than 99th percentile for her age.  Even with the 15% margin of error on the estimated weight this is a big baby with 3 weeks left to grow. The margin of error on head size is very low and that is the part that concerned them. Based on all of this the high risk doctor recommended a csection at 39 weeks. I had my appointment with my OB the next day and she agreed about the csection but said we could wait until 40 weeks. So my csection is scheduled for the day after my due date 11/17.  It is not what we planned but it is what is best for the baby and that is all I really care about.

I had my 37 week checkup yesterday. 1cm dilated, 50% effaced and my cervix is soft, so a little progress but not much.  Doctor said baby hasn't moved down at all. She did say that my pelvic bones, the little bony bits that stick out inside that are the smallest part the baby has to pass through are tight and this reinforces her decision about the csection.   I was feeling bad all day yesterday, backache, headache, upset stomach.  We had our last labor/child class last night and I went to bed as soon as we got home but started cramping almost as soon as I laid down and cramped all night long, maybe from the cervical check, who knows, still cramping some today but its not regular.

Baby is still moving around a lot, she still makes pretty big movements but they feel slower and more like pushes than jabs for the most part anyway. She does love to kick my stomach after I've eaten, I think my eating expands my stomach and takes up her room and she does not like that.

I stayed home from work today because I was exhausted and needed to keep my feet up, they resemble the stay-puft man these day.  Here is last week vs this week, everyone says I'm getting bigger by the day, hard for me to say, I don't know how much bigger I can possibly get but then we have 19 days left to go before the c-section.

I also asked a bunch of questions about the csection answers are:
  • no can't do delayed clamping
  • yes, can do cord blood donation
  • no, can't do immediate skin-to-skin but Matthew can
  • I can breastfeed as soon as I'm in recovery
  • no, I can't watch the c-section
  • I get to eat the same day as long as I'm not vomiting
  • I will get to sit up in chair the same day and be up walking the next day
  • I can't drive for 2 weeks after
  • I have to limit stairs to once daily for 2 weeks
  • Lift nothing heavier than the baby for 4 weeks
I think that's about it, here is a bonus picture of my feet!!! (lucky you)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Catch up, 36 weeks

Okay, I've been horrible about posting!   To make up for the lack of pics how about a progression from the beginning until now?

wow, that's a lot of pictures!  :D

Okay, so is going on.  Let's see, I'm 36 weeks, I have a growth scan tomorrow to see how big she's gotten.  When I was at the doctor last week my cervix was closed but "a little" thinned and baby was breech, she turns really often still though so I'm not really worried about that.  I spotted and cramped after the check for 2 days, had to call about that since I've been cautioned to call about anything out of the ordinary but they said that's normal.  I had my group b strep test and that came back clear which is very good.

Oh, yeah, I broke my foot.

Fell down a single stair and my ankle gave way, broke my heel and sprained my ankle. I lasted a week in the boot before I had to ditch it as it made my hips and back feel like they were coming apart. 

Much progress has been made on the nursery, its pretty much done except organization, here is a bad pano of it.

We had a wonderful baby shower and my brother came down. We got so many wonderful things at the shower and before and after including sooo many beautiful handmade things that just overwhelm me with joy. 

We had some maternity pictures taken, here is one I love by Carlagraphs 

My right foot was already swelling more than my left but since I broke it it swells A LOT more! It jiggles when I walk by the end of the day. 

I've got the hospital bag almost packed, we need to put in the car seats. I have puppy pads everywhere I sit often in case my water breaks.  We have 2 more classes left on our labor, breastfeeding and newborn series.  

Here is a pic of my belly all distorted when she flips around. 

Yesterday she was in a weird position putting strange pressure on my bladder where I felt like I couldn't pee right all day then last night right before bed I was folding laundry when all of a sudden, I pee my pants. Oops, then had to play the "pee or amniotic fluid" game. I went pee and it didn't happen anymore so I decided pee and went to bed. She's moving around like normal today so everything seems fine. 

That's about all I can think of right now, weight is holding pretty steady, I'm at + 4 pounds for the pregnancy so far.  Will try to remember to post again after scan tomorrow.