Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, July 31, 2015

No beetus!

Time           Standard Range      your Value
fasting            4-99 mg/dL               86
1HR               50-179 mg/dL      161
2HR               50-154 mg/dL       143
3HR                50-139 mg/dL         61

Not going to lie to you though, this test sucks. The 3 hour drink is 100g glucose but its still 10ounces so its like drinking soda syrup, so, so gross. Made me sick to my stomach for several hours.  Just glad I passed. 

In other news, my IBS flare up is still in effect and causing me pain and other issues.

Also, another doctor confirmed diagnosis of SPD/PGD, which basically is my pelvic bones coming apart,  it happens to most women in the time before they give birth but my EDS is making mine come earlier. Not much can be done about it other than wear a support band. It could get better, worse or stay the same.  

Saw this weekly update format on a couple other blogs so I decided to R&D (rip off and duplicate) it! :)

How far along?  24 weeks!  
Total weight gain: -11lbs!   
Baby is the size of: Eggplant
Maternity clothes: only maternity clothes, cotton dresses are my favorite
Stretch marks: None that I didn't already have
Sleep: what's sleep? I toss and turn a lot from back pain
Best moment this week: Matthew was able to feel her kick from the outside for the first time!
Miss anything?  Turkey Sandwich
Movement: all day every day 
Food cravings: Not really
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Back pain, gas, heartburn, pelvic pain 
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Putting up the mural in the nursery

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Glucose and pain and other what nots....

24 weeks, viability, yay!!! Now that being said, this little girl needs to stay in and cook longer! 

Since the last post I've been to see the chiropractor twice and been to pre-natal yoga twice, my back is not really much better than it was before. 

I've been having some issues with constipation (totally new for me) and that in turn is causing me a pain in the bum, like, literally. Sorry for the TMI. I've had this same pain twice in the past, once when I had a bout of colitis coupled with a ruptured hemorrhagic ovarian cyst and the other time after my IVF egg retrieval. It appears to be related to digestion coupled with swollen girly parts (inside parts), I guess it just happens that mine are swollen and full of baby.  Hopefully this passes soon, its a pain in the ass, ha ha. 

Baby girl has been moving around a lot lately, you can see it from the outside now pretty easily and Matthew finally felt her kick for the first time this morning 

I saw my OB last week and my MFM today, the only new issue to report is my groin pain (not the pain in the ass, this is an ache in my pelvic region at the end of the day) is my pubic bones separating. Apparently this happens to all pregnant women but is happening to me early due to my EDS. It's not so bad unless I overdo it.  My MFM said that while I was still at risk for pre-term labor due to my EDS that I was in no immediate danger since my cervix has looked good so far. He talked to me about what to look for in terms of contractions and said that most women usually begin to feel them by 28 weeks.  I talked to him about my anesthesia concerns and he advised me to talk to the anesthesiologist but that the kind they use for epidurals should not be affected by my EDS because its local not systemic. 
In other news I had my 1 hour glucose tolerance test today, and.... I failed it, by TWO points, 2 freaking points!  So now I have to go have the 3 hour test, ugh, not looking forward to that, that icky orange drink
makes me feel like crap the rest of the day.

Here is my 24 week belly

Oh, and here is when I'm sitting looking down!

Looks like I finally "popped"

So here is my weight change since becoming pregnant. It's pretty easy to see where the morning sickness kicked in. Lowest weight was at 18 weeks, I'm at 24 weeks now and have been on an upward trend for a few weeks but am still about 10 pounds down from where I started.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

22 weeks

Not much new to report other than back pain.  Every morning I wake up with my lower back in extreme pain. I did something I never thought I'd do, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. I know this pain is only going to get worse and I have to do something. I found a Chiro who is familiar with EDS and is willing to work with me.  My appointment with him is Thursday, I'll report back.  I also signed up for a prenatal Yoga class that starts next week, hoping that will help as well.

My only other complaint is the heat. A full on St. Louis summer plus being pregnant do not mix. I get overheated at the drop of a hat, I can't be outdoors for more than 5 minutes without getting sick.  It was 106 when I got in my car yesterday after work.  My remote start is broken so I can't even cool it down before I get in (yeah, first world problem, I know). I have an appointment on Friday to get that fixed.

I've started the process to find a daycare and WOW is that a process! Apparently 7+ months out from needing care is too late to start looking.  So far I've contacted 4 of the 6 centers that take infants and would not be a complete pain in the ass to drop/off pickup at.  I've visited 2 of the 4 so far. One has no availability until April, the other has an opening in mid-February.  I'm going to see what comes from these 4 visits then contact the other 2 if I need to.  I spent an hour and a half at KinderCare yesterday, the babies are so cute!

Weight wise, I gained a couple of pounds last week and figured that was the start of the upward trend, but then I lost it again this week, so still holding steady pretty much.  Here is the 22 week bump.  I still have days where I just look fat and not pregnant, actually most days.

I've had a couple dizzy spells, I'm going to have to be more diligent about my fluids as my BP has dropped again.  3 quarts is not enough, has to be a gallon apparently. Good to know, I can handle that. 

Her movements are getting stronger, not able to really feel from the outside yet but I am hoping soon so hubs can feel her.  

I thought I didn't have much to say this morning but I ended up rambling like usual, that's about it for now though. 

Here is a progression pic for the past month

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Anatomy Scan

Today was the anatomy scan, and everything looked great! All of her parts looked good and she is weighing in at 15 ounces! 4 weeks ago she was 6 ounces so that's quite a growth spurt! This is the only profile shot we got since they were more concerned with her insides today.

Here is me today as well. I've been feeling her move a lot more and the ultrasound tech commented on how active she is.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


When I'm sitting at work and feel movement inside of me my first thought is not "Oh, she's moving around", its "what the hell is that, is my stomach rumbling?". I'm not yet used to this feeling yet, its very alien.