Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Skip-to-ma-loo my darling

Went in for my ultrasound and doctors appointment yesterday and not only is little bit doing well she is measuring almost a week ahead so my due date got adjusted to 11/16.  Heart Rate was 165 and length (rump to crown) was 4.1cm (around 2 inches). To put that in perspective the baby is about the size of a donut hole.  Doctor said we're doing well, she wrote me an Rx for nausea meds since I'm still struggling with that, although the unisom helps so much that I won't take the Rx unless it gets really bad, I mostly wanted it for a safety net while we are on vacation.

We will be doing the Panorama cell free dna testing for trisomys in a couple weeks. They take blood from me and a cheek swab from hubs and check the fetal dna present in my blood to see if there is a high risk of any of the trisomies and a few other things. As a bonus they tell you the gender!

I am being sent to see a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist on 5/13 because of my connective tissue disorder (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). They will do another ultrasound that day too. I'll post more about that then.

For now, still dealing with fatigue and nausea though that seems to be tapering off a bit.

Here is one of the ultrasound pics, it is SO crazy to see her jumping around on the screen. She looks like she has a horn because she kept putting her hands in front of her face.

Yes, today I am saying she, yesterday I said He all day, we'll see soon but until then I just mix it up. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

9 week update

Sorry I haven't been posting much have been stupid busy at work and by the time I get home I am just done and can't really function.  So here is a breakdown of what's going on with me and baby

Weight: still losing a bit, not as fast though

Nausea: its been pretty bad most days, I've been dry heaving quite a bit, brushing my teeth is an exercise in self-control. I found that taking Unisom before bed helps with nausea the next day but I don't want to take that every night.

Boob soreness: this is starting to dissipate some, my nipples are still extremely tender and sensitive though.

Mood: still irritable as all get out, some of that could just be work stress though

Food Cravings/Aversions: Still off dairy it just does not appeal to me at all, not big on sweets for the most part. Salty carbs are what I eat the most of but I try to get some protein in when I can. I had two days where I craved buffalo chicken.

Fatigue: still present and accounted for, I'm in bed by 9pm most night but I'm not falling asleep at my desk during the day anymore, mostly because I've been too busy.

Digestion: I mostly still have the same digestion as before, 2-3 days of diarrhea followed by a day or two of not going at all.

Had my first migraine while pregnant the other day, was able to head it off by slamming down an extra cup of coffee.

My clothes are starting to fit differently even though I'm losing weight, my boobs are overflowing my bra and my lower stomach is pooching out a bit, especially at the end of the day.  I still worry about being one of those women that so fat no one can tell they are pregnant.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

belly pics

So I keep forgetting to do this!!! here is just about a month apart, loose shirt in the first one so hard to tell but as you can see I've lost a few pounds.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

and for dessert... Regret

I've been totally OFF food for over a week, nothing is appealing. With constant nausea its hard to just stay hydrated, much less eat. I've been losing weight pretty rapidly, which is fine, I have plenty to spare. Anyway, this morning I felt bad again but went out and ran some errands, when we got home I crashed for a couple hours, woke up still feeling bad but ate a few frozen strawberries which for some reason made me feel MUCH better!  Ran a few more errands and then came home and made tacos for dinner which is the only thing I've been craving. I ate FOUR tacos!!! THEN I ate some starburst jelly beans for dessert, aka regret.  I had an upset stomach but it was just from being overfull, I actually feel better than I have in days.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!

I feel like this rather irritable guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  EVERYTHING annoys me right now.  Work has been very busy and it seems like everyone has decided to turn on the stupid. I know its just be me that does not help bring my irritation levels down any, in fact it probably makes them go up.  I am trying really hard not to be a bitch but I am pretty sure it is not working.  My poor husband probably catches the brunt of it, which is horrible since he is being SO nice!

The morning sickness (misnomer for me) is kicking into a higher gear which adds to the irritation. It's very hard to concentrate when you are sick to your stomach all of the time.  I've lost 3 pounds in the past week, I just don't feel like eating. Ironically though one of the only things that helps control the nausea is eating small amounts of food frequently.  I often have a meal of regret though, usually lunch.  I'll get SUPER hungry and eat a meal (normal amount, nothing crazy) and in 15 minutes am feeling SO bad. I haven't actually thrown up yet at all, I'm just constantly nauseated.  I say morning sickness is a misnomer because I actually feel pretty okay in the mornings, tired but not sick. It usually hits mid morning and gets progressively worse all day.  This morning I got to sleep in an extra hour because I worked at home and it didn't hit until about an hour later than normal, hrm.... I dug out the Sea Band I bought when we first got the boat and put that on, we'll see if it helps, you are supposed to wear two but I can only find one right now.

So yeah, the fatigue is still very much present and accounted for nothing much new to report there.

Been alternating between diarrhea and constipation, and have had a lot of gas the past few days.

I'm going to go tomorrow for my blood work and 1 hour glucose test. Going to do that first thing before my stomach gets upset.  Wish me luck.