Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

33 weeks

I haven't posted in awhile but everything is good, just been crazy busy.

Our girl is doing well. We had a growth scan last Wednesday at 32+2 and she was measuring at 5lbs! that is 59th percentile for weight!! She's on track to be a big baby! I have another scan at 36 weeks to check again. Look at those chubby cheeks!!!

As for me, well the back pain gets bad some days and I still don't sleep well, its really hard to get comfortable.  I'm looking very pregnant these days and I think I'm starting to waddle.  I can't stand up for more than about an hour at a time otherwise I start getting braxton-hicks pretty bad.

I've also reached another milestone and that is reaching my pre-pregnancy weight.  Here is me at 4 weeks (just got positive test a few days before) and me at 33 weeks, I weigh the same in both of these photos.

Here is another belly comparison (sorry/not sorry for all the naked belly pics). Since I was overweight before becoming pregnancy my belly hangs down a bit at the bottom (one of the reasons my back hurts I think). Here is a comparison of my belly with no support and me with my hand pulling it up a bit from the top which is basically how my support band keeps it positioned. 

We started our childbirth classes last week, its a 6 week series that includes newborn care and breastfeeding.  It was pretty interesting but makes for a long day.  I'm supposed to have my labor support bag packed by next week, ack!!!

What else...
We've made a lot of progress on the nursery finally! Still got a lot to do but most of its organization at this point. 

I had to start taking magnesium because of horrible leg cramps that won't go away, it  helps a lot!

Baby shower is this coming weekend, my brother is coming down for that and we'll video conference in the family birthday party going on in Minnesota.   I'm excited for that. 

Crazy dreams still abound, I give birth just about every night as I sleep now. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Braxton Hicks

I started experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions last week. The first one was such a shock and left me kind of excited, a new milestone had been reached!  Then I had another, and another and my belly got kind of sore and I was over the excitement.

I had 3 that first day then no more for over a week, then another last Wednesday night and several yesterday.  The more tired I am the more they happen.  Yesterday I finally was able to drink a big glass of cold water and lie down for 20 minutes and they went away.

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and she said as long as they continue to stop they are nothing to worry about, they are just "practice contractions".

Nothing much to report from the doctor's appointment, she measured my belly but didn't tell me what it was only that it 'had grown from last appointment' and baby's heartbeat was in the 150's and 160's on the doppler.

A few nights ago I was in bed asleep when Matthew came up to bed. He put his hand on my belly (I kind of half woke up) and she started kicking like mad. This is the first time she's done that in response to him touching my belly, he loved it!

I've not been sleeping well and have been very irritable.  We did make progress on the nursery last weekend though, got the closet organizer in and I was able to put away some stuff.

It's just too bad the rest of the room still looks like this

I've gained several pounds in the past month, I'm only a couple pounds down from pre-pregnancy weight at this point but I guess that was bound to happen.  Speaking of weight gain, a funny cravings story. 

My one consistent craving has been red hots, the cinnamon candy. I eat a box of them maybe once a week or every two weeks because I know they are not good for you. Wednesday night I wanted Red Hots, I had to go to camera club meeting so I stopped at pharmacy on my way because they always have the movie theater size box of them. Well guess which ONE candy they are out of!!! Dammnit! Yesterday I had to go to the grocery store after work to pickup stuff for company coming in town this weekend, first stop, candy asile. I stand there for a good 10 minutes getting myself into a highly emotional state (and having BH's) because there are NO red hots!!! I'm about to cry when on the bottom rack pushed way to the back is TWO bags of red hots! I was giddy! I didn't eat any last night because baby girl decided to sit on top of my stomach but I brought a bag to work with me today :D