I had an echocardiogram on Monday to make sure I don't have any heart problems associated with my Ehlers-Danlos I'll get the results of that when I go back to the MFM on the 18th.
Next week is the first ultrasound to check my cervical length, I'll have at least 3 of those a month apart, if its all good after those 3 then I won't have to have anymore. I need to find out who will be doing my anatomy scan, the MFM or my regular OB.
Oh, AND!!!!!!! We found out we are having a girl!! The results of the Panorama test came back and everything was low risk (woohoo!) and showed female!
I've been having continuing issues with my blood pressure which is causing the dizzy spells. I've started drinking half of my fluids in a day in Gatorade and that is helping a lot. Last doctor's appointment my BP was 88/52 and freaked the doctor out. Last night I clocked in at 94/56 so its coming back up.
I'm officially DONE with pants that button around my waist, while I'm still not really showing they HURT me! I've started buying maternity pants and that suck, you have to buy shirts too to cover the panel, who knew???
It's starting to hurt to sleep on my stomach, my regular position, so I am not sleeping well as I try to find a new comfortable position.
Today is day 2 with NO unisom! The nausea seems to have departed for the most part but my appetite has not come back without the help of the Unisom. Current weight loss is 15.4 lbs.
Here is my 16 weeks belly.

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