First and foremost; there is a baby in there! and it has a heartbeat, 123 to be exact! The ultrasound went really well. The setup at my doctor's office is nice, they have a screen on the wall right in front of the exam table that shows the image from the ultrasound so you don't have to try to twist around to see the tech's screen while she is working and has a probe up your hoo-ha. So here she is, she is measuring at 6 weeks 1 day and apparently I ovulated from my left ovary, good to know(?). 

Then had to wait an hour to see the doctor, that went about as expected except because I am old and fat I have to take the test for gestational diabetes right away, even though I've never had blood sugar issues. Blah. Anyway, got lectures on not gaining much weight, don't eat candy or much fruit (wtf?) and making sure I exercise. Oh and don't eat much processed food. I told hubby and doctor both that by the time I make it home from work I'm too tired to cook!
Lot's of blood work ordered, I don't have the list in front of me right now. We also talked about getting the blood test that looks at the fetal dna to look for downs and other trisomys. Received a whole packet of brochures and information, got the OK for the trip to Mexico next month was just told to bring snacks for the plane, get up and move around and don't get overheated.
I'll call tomorrow to schedule my tests.
Oh and that dating means I got my bfp at 9dpo, so super early!
oh, and no more hcg or progesterone test, Doc said that pregnancy is established now and there is no need, kind of a bummer was looking forward to seeing my hcg number.
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